
Coding Consult Live Module Descriptions and Objectives

This program has been approved for 4.0 credits by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). This program has been accredited for 4 IJCAHPO credits. 


Module 1:  Getting it Right in 2024!

Duration:   1.0 hours

Course Description:  This comprehensive course will review the changes affecting reimbursement in 202. The topics include new, deleted, and revised CPT and ICD-10 codes, changes to reimbursement rates, coverage changes, and new technology. This course will also review changes to MIPS and government oversight.\

Educational Objectives: Course attendees should be able to: 

  • Summarize the key changes to the 2024 physician fee schedule
  • List the new CPT and ICD-10 codes
  • Identify the areas of potential government scrutiny


Module 2: Getting it Right: Office Visits and Diagnostic Testing!

Duration:   1.25 Hour

Course Description:  The course will review challenging documentation scenarios in the categories of office visits and diagnostic testing. We will walk through office visit coding myths. Additionally, we will review controversies in the diagnostic testing such as screening tests versus medically necessary testing, preoperative cataract measurements, and other areas of confusion. 

Educational Objectives: 

Course attendees should be able to: 

  • Select the proper E/M code
  • Describe reimbursement for screening tests


Module 3: Getting it Right: Modifiers and Medical Necessity!

Duration: 1.0 Hour

Course Description: The course reviews the challenges associated with surgical coding. Major and minor surgery coding is a moving target each year with codes being combined, bundled, and CPT descriptor changes. Common modifiers will be explored, including 24, 25, 57, 58, 78, and 79 that impact payment and global periods. The attendees will review and audit multiple scenarios of proper modifier use. Appropriate surgical documentation will also be discussed, including medical necessity for common surgical procedures. 

Educational Objectives:

Course attendees should be able to: 

  • List the common modifiers used in the eyecare practice
  • Differentiate modifiers 58, 78, and 79
  • List common coverage criteria for cataract surgery


Module 4: Challenging Scenarios: Getting them Right!

Duration:   45 Minutes

Course Description: This comprehensive course will review several challenging coding scenarios.  The scenarios will include: 

  • Identifying new and established patients
  • Co-management
  • Coding and billing for surgical complications
  • Complex cataract surgery
  • Discontinued procedures
  • Multiple modifier scenarios
  • Post Cataract Eye Glasses 

The course involves participants to review case studies and discuss the coding (if any) options, for claim submission. 

Educational Objectives: Course attendees should be able to: 

  • Define a new patient
  • List the common devices used in complex cataract surgery
  • Explain when modifier -24 is used in a group practice