
ABC Administrator Horror Stories

ASOA’s Administrative Beginners Circle was developed to assist new administrators who have 4 years or less of ophthalmic practice management experience in their practice management journey. Find them on Facebook.


ASOA’s Administrator Beginners Circle was developed to assist new administrators who have 4 years or fewer of ophthalmic practice management experience in their practice management journey. Go to, or find them on Facebook.

ASOA reminds you to always seek appropriate legal counsel when dealing with matters such as compliance. Administrator Horror Stories is a production of the ASOA ABC Taskforce. Listen, like, and subscribe for more Administrator Horror Stories. If you dare…


July 15, 2024


February 20, 2023


September 19, 2022


June 20, 2022


March 21, 2022


February 28, 2022


January 18, 2022


November 16, 2021


October 18, 2021


September 20, 2021

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