AE Articles
Marketing Advanced Dry Eye Treatments
Issue: September/October 2020
File Type: PDF

A bottle of over-the-counter eye drops can cost anywhere from $5 to $15 at the drugstore—a seemingly inexpensive way to combat the symptoms of dry eye. However, what many people don’t realize is that these drops are often just a “Band-Aid®.” They do nothing to address the underlying reason for the dry eye symptoms, so it becomes an endless cycle of symptoms–eye drops–temporary relief that becomes costly and frustrating.

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About the authors
Brandi Musgrave

(brandi@ fast-trackmarketing. com; 303-731-2634) is the director of business development at Fast Track Marketing in Broomfield, Colo.


Keri-Layne Tarman

 (; 303−447−9192) is a copywriter at Fast Track Marketing.


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