AE Articles
Creating Virtual Patient Relationships - Tips for Helping Your Providers Avoid a "Failed Connection"
Issue: March/April 2021
File Type: PDF

The backbone of any successful healthcare practice depends on providing competent clinical care and establishing an engaging, trusted advisor relationship with patients. This is a difficult challenge when providing healthcare in person. With the increase of telehealth demands, the challenge is dramatically more difficult—for your doctors, your staff, and your patients. As an administrator, you are responsible for providing the direction that builds the engaging team patient experiences that lead to a thriving practice. The growing telehealth movement makes it imperative that you share the following information with your physicians and support their development to achieve that success.

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About the Author
Mark David Jones

(352-242-1234; is a former Disney executive who now serves as president of Small World Alliance, Inc., a business management consulting firm (Orlando, Fla.). He is the author of Lead With Your Customer: Transforming Culture and Brand into World-Class Excellence (2nd edition).


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